There are several features that we have just implemented and others we are working on for our next release (Note: These are early look requirements and thoughts subject to change)
(Implemented June 07, 2023)!!
Text to Voice capabilities!
- We have implemented a major NEW enhancement that will allow Text that is provided for each Pose to be played as Voice when a Sequence is played. We have provided a variety of Voice selections (various Voice types and accents) which allow Sequences to be played and listened to from the player (online) when constructing a sequence as well as by the recipient (when a link is sent) instead of having to read or print when executing a Sequence. There is also be the capability to control the pace of the playback by adding a pause. Text that is written in languages other than English can be played back accordingly (not translated) but if written in Spanish, select an appropriate Voice dialect and it will speak in a more native format!
- Lots of our Sequences are being updated with simplified bulleted text. We believe this should make it more intuitive when trying to follow along.
- We have added a large number of Resources to help our Instructors (and community) across a wide variety of issues.
- There are several other enhancements for tablets that will provide better orientation for images.
(Implemented 02/01/2023)!!
Improved Sequence sharing, PDF awareness, and tablet
- We changed the Action menu under My Sequences to make it more intuitive. You can now Play a sequence from this location as well as Download to a PDF from this menu. The other legacy actions Share, Delete, and Duplicate remain as they were.
- We improved the messages that are provided when building Sequences on a tablet device, to make sure you are aware that rotating to Landscape mode will all you to build a sequence on that device if the portrait area happens to be too small.
- You can now Share A Sequence when playing a sequence noting that if you had made changes before you played it, you must first Save it (go back and Save Sequence) before the share will be permitted.
Free trial reduced from two (2) to one (1) week
- We have reduced out initial Free Trial period to one (1) week (7 calendar days) before payments will be required.
(Implemented 12/13/2022)
Support for payment via PayPal
- We implemented support to now allow payments to be made via PayPal. It is now one of the choices in the Billing area of the My Account section.
- There were a number if Miscellaneous bug that were corrected, primarily in the use of the Copy/Paste/Delete functions when working on a tablet.
Implemented 10/11/2022
Mobile support for Sequences!!
- Today we implemented support to allow Sequences to be Played, Duplicated, Shared (email or download a PDF), or Deleted from a Mobile device! You can also choose change a different Avatar when playing. Editing will still require a larger screen (desktop or tablet) due to the more complex nature of building a Sequence. This is a very significant and exciting aspect of functionality that is now available to all subscribers!!
Implemented 10/06/2022
Copy, Paste, Drag, Drop, and select a Range in the Sequence Builder timeline (including tablet enhancements!!)
On a desktop with a keyboard and mouse
The ability to Copy and Paste a Pose or range of poses along with Drag and Drop enhancements has been completed. It is modeled much like MS Powerpoint, where you can highlight a current pose and then Shift/Hold to select a Range of poses, Copy ( CTRL C or Command C) to the “Clipboard" and then Paste (CTRL V or Command V).
- The option to Copy (CTRL C or Command C) to the “Clipboard" is now enabled so you can subsequently Paste (CTRL V or Command V) a selected pose into your current Sequence or another in your Collection.
- You can Copy a Range of Poses by selecting the first Pose (orange perimeter) holding the Shift key (Shift/Hold) and then selecting the last Pose of the range to be copied (the full Range is now highlighted in black), then doing a Copy (CTRL C or Command C), then select the Pose (orange perimeter) where you want to place the copied range after, and doing a Paste (CTRL V or Command V).
- Once a range is selected, you can also now Right click a Pose in the timeline, and you will be presented with options to Copy, Paste After, or Delete (no need for the CTRL options unless you are comfortable with those).
- The X option formerly used in each pose to Delete a pose is no longer available, rather you simply Right click the pose (or range of poses) and the Delete function will be presented.
- Poses can be rearranged (Drag and Drop) by selecting a Range of Poses to be moved (same rules as above), and then dragging them to the location (vertical breaker bar appears between poses)
Copy and Paste functionality is now supported on a tablet!!
- To select a range, touch the the pose you wish to begin with (orange perimeter will appear), and then touch in between the pose where you wish for the range to end (the partition vertical bar appears at that point)...the entire range should now be highlighted in black. You then touch and hold any pose in the range until the menu is presented to Copy, Paster After, or Delete. You can then touch the option you want from the dropdown.
- The range selected can also be dragged and dropped using traditional means (drag to the location and release).
- You can also now make a Pose current (touch it so it now has an Orange outline) and then add Poses from the catalog and they will be added to the right of the Pose that you made current (instead of always at the end and then having to move them)
- When building the PDF, we will eliminate the timing count. There is no need for this when using a PDF as the basis from which to execute a sequence.
Cueing (Instructional) Text
- For each Pose, we will provide a predefined Cueing (Instructional) Text field that will be preloaded for each Pose and will be presented during a playback where the current Text is presented today (as well as in the PDF).
- In the Settings for each Sequence, the Default (Use YTL cueing text) is set to ON with an option to turn it Off (text field becomes blank) and enter whatever text of your own choosing.
- You can Edit the default Cueing Text and save as your own. There is also an option to reset it should you want to revert back to the default text provided by YTL.
- All existing poses will now be enabled with this feature, but you must go in and turn it On for those Sequences built before this enhancement was enabled.
Ability to play a Chime when Poses change
- We have added the ability to play a predetermined Chime when playing a sequence in the online player that will signal in-between poses as they change. This option is controlled in the Settings for each sequence that you build where you can either enable or disable it. You also have the option to turn the sound on or off when playing the Sequence.
Public Sequences
- We have provided a robust set of Sequences that we will make Public to all Subscribers. We believe we should have close to 100 of the most desirable Sequences that can be selected and used.
- These Sequences can be played from the Public Sequence portal in order to see their content and in particular demonstrate how YTL Sequences are constructed and played.
- Subsequently you can Copy any Public Sequence back to your My Collection (the default Public name is appended with the suffix Copy) that you can then Edit (rename, add/delete poses, etc.) to your own liking and personal use.
First time Login changes
- When establishing a NEW account, you will now be prompted for the Validation code that is sent to the email you provided upon enrolling. This should keep this process more streamlined and reduce the number of times when incorrect emails are mistakenly entered, rather than todays routine that requires that you validate this after the fact.
- The Pose Search box has been moved to the top of the list of poses in order to make it more visible and accessible.
- The PDF print option has been optimized to now print 6 up vs 9 up. We believe this is better and more legible considering the amount of Instructional (Cueing) Text that can be present.
Beyond that....
- We plan to add Voice Over a future major feature. You will have the ability for each Pose that you add to your Sequence to record audible instructions or comments and playback while testing your sequence before finalizing. Eventually we would like to add Text to Voice recognition, but that will come in a subsequent update. Target: August/September 2022.
- We have signed an agreement with YogiTunes and will be looking to add music (personal playlists, Pandora, etc) and voice over capabilities when building a running Sequence. YogiTunes offers a very unique set of artists and music that we believe will be a special addition to our service.....Stay Tuned!!
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