As you first start to build a sequence, adjusting your Sequence Settings with a few quick tweaks will help set you up for success and cut down on building time. Lets go through the options together.
Where do I find the sequence settings?
In the top left hand corner of the Sequence Builder, next to Sequence Name (or the textbox where you can enter the name) you will see a settings cog icon. Click on this icon.
A window that looks like this will pop up.
Timing Settings:
The first step for most users is to decide on their default timing settings shown at the top of the settings menu. Timing is most important for the video slideshow format of a sequence available to Premium subscription users but can also be a good indicator for clients on the PDF export option (available to all subscription tiers). The two timing options are Seconds or Breaths.
Seconds: On the PDF, if chosen to display, it will show in the top right hand corner and simply say "___ seconds". In the video slideshow format, each pose will stay on the screen for as many seconds as selected. A small ring around the pose will fill up with blue to indicate the timing countdown but no breath animation or physical countdown will show.
Breaths: On the PDF, if chosen to display, it will show in the top right hand corner and simply say "___ breaths". In the video slideshow format, each pose will go through the selected breath cycle before switching to the next pose.
E.G. in the above image its set to 1 breath with a 3 second inhale and a 4 second each pose will stay on screen for one breath count with a 3 second inhale and 4 second exhale before moving on to the next.
A pretty animation following the inhale and exhale will show behind the pose. A blue ring will also fill up, similar to the seconds count, to help count down the number of breaths.
*PLEASE NOTE* The options chosen in the Sequence Settings are for the sequence as a whole and will decide what the default settings are for each pose added to the sequence, HOWEVER each pose can be customized (i.e. if you want them to hold a pose for 4 breaths but the rest of the poses to only last one you can change the settings for that individual pose).
Note length: If you are a premium member, and choose to add a "note" or text in your sequence, this is where you can choose how long your note/text will stay on the screen before going to the next pose. Of course you can edit each notes timing individually as well.
Sanskrit: This slider simply toggles on and off the use of the Sanskrit names underneath each pose
Cueing Text Settings:
Under the Sanskrit toggle, you'll see another toggle labeled "Cueing Text". A few of our experienced advisory board members have created simple default instructional text for each pose that can be used as a starting point and edited to best fit your sequence. You have the option to toggle this text on or off. If it is off, no cueing text will be included, but you can always add your own.
PDF settings:
To make final selections to your sequence layout and share it as a PDF click the Create PDF button found next to the save button.
A window like the one shown below will pop up.
There are a few final choices to make in this window to finalize how your sequence will look. As you continue to tweak settings the preview will adjust in real time so you can see how it will look when finished based on the choices you have made.
Grid view or Instructional View: If you select Grid view, the pose images will be the center focus for your layout. Your cueing text will not be shown, but any "notes" that had been added in the sequence will be shown. If you select Instructional view, all of your cueing text will be prominently displayed in an easy to read list style format. See comparison image below.
If you select Grid view, you can then select how many poses you want to show per page, 4 poses, 9 poses, or 16 poses. The fewer the poses the larger the images. See the example below for comparison.
Show Pose Time/Breaths:
You can choose whether you would like the breath counts or pose timing to show on your PDF. Simply toggle on and off. Below is an example of what it looks like when pose timing/breath count is toggled to on
Show Sanskrit Terminology: You can toggle on and off the Sanskrit names for poses. The default is always to have them turned on. When on, the Sanskrit name for a pose (where applicable) will show up just below the English name. See example below
Cueing Text to Speech:
The Text to Speech Narration is a feature for the video slideshow. This means that the cueing text will be read to the viewer as the sequence plays through. If you are just using the generated PDF, you do not have to worry about this.
- Under "Cueing Text-To-Speech (TTS)" you will see another slider. This is to turn the Text to Speech narration on or off in the video slideshow of your sequence.
- Under "Cueing TTS Moment" you will see a drop down menu with two options, "Read before pose" or "Read during pose". If you select "Read before pose", the cueing text for each will be read before the pose begins to time down). If you select "Read during pose" the cueing text will be read as the pose is playing. If the cueing text is longer than the time selected (e.g. it takes 12 seconds to read the cueing text but the pose is only set to last for 10 seconds), the reading of the cueing text will supersede the timing of the pose. This means the pose will hold until the cueing text is done being read before moving on to the next.
- Under "Cueing TTS Voice" is another drop down menu with multiple voice options for the narration. There are 5 English speaking voice options, 1 voice for Spanish, and 1 voice for French. The Spanish and French voices are for use when writing the cueing text in those languages. It will not translate for you. Currently the only way to test the voices is in the sequence Preview (you can do this by clicking on the orange play button found to the right of the sequence settings cog on the Sequence Builder main screen). We hope to give our users the ability to hear the voices within this sequence settings box soon.
Pose Chime: In the video slideshow format, a chime will play when it progresses from one pose to the next. The slider found allows you to toggle this on or off for the default setting for your sequence. If you select off, your client, or whomever is watching your sequence, will still be able to turn it on if they need to.
PDF - Cueing Text: When this setting is toggled on, the cueing text for each pose will show on the generated PDF. If you toggle this off, the cueing text will be hidden on the PDF of your sequence.
PDF - Breaths: When this setting is toggled on, the breath count for each pose will show on the generated PDF. If you toggle this off, the breath count will be hidden on the PDF of your sequence.
Share as a Video Slideshow (Premium subscription only)
If you have a Premium subscription and would like to create a video slideshow of your yoga sequence, click on the "Player" button in the top right of the sequence builder.
A preview screen will open and your sequence will begin playing (including the text to speech narration of any cueing text you have included).
From this screen you can edit the playback settings and share. If you want to edit a pose directly or the cueing text you will need to go back to the sequence building screen.
To edit your playback settings including the audio for the text-to-speech narration open the settings cog on the preview page (shown in image above to the far right).
Pose Chime: When toggled on, a chime will play when it progresses from one pose to the next. If you select off, your client, or whomever is watching your sequence, will still be able to turn it on if they need to.
Cueing Text to Speech:
Text-to-speech narration means that any cueing text you have included will be read to the viewer as the sequence plays through.
- Under "Cueing Text-To-Speech (TTS)" is a slider that allows you to toggle the text-to-speech narration on or off for the viewers of your sequence. This will not take away the visual text of the cueing text when toggled off. It will only turn off the narration audio.
- Under "Cueing TTS Moment" you will see a drop down menu with two options, "Read before pose" or "Read during pose". If you select "Read before pose", the cueing text for each will be read before the pose begins to time down. If you select "Read during pose" the cueing text will be read as the pose is playing. If the cueing text is longer than the time selected (e.g. it takes 12 seconds to read the cueing text but the pose is only set to last for 10 seconds), the reading of the cueing text will supersede the timing of the pose. This means the pose will hold until the cueing text is done being read before moving on to the next.
- Under "Cueing TTS Voice" is another drop down menu with multiple voice options for the narration. There are 5 English speaking voice options, 1 voice for Spanish, and 1 voice for French. The Spanish and French voices are for use when writing the cueing text in those languages. It will not translate for you. A play button next to this drop down menu will play an example of the selected voice. It is recommended to pause the example being read before switching voice options. We have found that sometimes switching between multiple voice while the sample audio from before is still playing can cause a glitch. This is an issue with the service we use to generate audio and is not something we can address directly so we like to give our users this warning.
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