It's a common need to repeat a pose or set of poses within a sequence, so we made sure that YTL users are able to duplicate sections of their sequence and move within their timeline to cut down on sequence building time.
*Note: If you have customized the pose or set of poses in questions (e.g. adjusted timing, cueing text, etc), when you copy and paste the poses, those edited attributes will stay consistent with the newly copied poses*
TIP: You can copy a pose or range of poses from one sequence and paste it into another! Some users find it useful to "create a sequence" that is solely a common set of poses they use (e.g. warm up, cool down, therapeutic exercise, vinyasa flows, etc) and save it as its own sequence in their collection. Now whenever they want to use it in another sequence they are building they can open it up, copy it, close it out and paste it into their new sequence.
How to Select a Range of Poses
To select a range of poses (needed when copy/pasting a repeating section of poses or deleting multiple poses at once) on desktop, simply click on the first pose in the range you want to select and hold down the shift key. While still holding down the shift key click on the last pose in the range you want to select. Now all the poses within your chosen range should be bordered in orange (as shown in the screenshot below). To select a range on an iPad, simply long hold each of the poses you wish to select. The orange border should appear around each one added, while the previous selections stay bordered as well.
Now that your range is selected you can duplicate them, drag and drop them somewhere else in your sequence, or bulk delete the selected poses. The Duplicate and Delete buttons are found surrounding your pose. If a range is selected, these options will show only around the last pose added to the selection, but will act in bulk while multiple poses are still highlighted.
To drag and drop your selection of poses simply click on one of the highlighted poses and drag it where you would like it in the sequence. While you are actively dragging it, it may only look like one pose is moving, but once you have "dropped" it where you want it, you will see your whole selection moved with it. You can also select a range of poses in our zoomed out view, and rearrange them from there. Many find this to be an easier visual when rearranging sections of your sequence.
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